Telehealth in Physical Therapy


Telehealth has become an increasingly popular method of healthcare delivery, especially in the wake of
the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of technology to deliver healthcare services has opened new avenues
for patient care, and physical therapy is no exception. Telehealth, which refers to the use of technology
to provide healthcare services remotely, has enabled physical therapists to provide high-quality care to
patients in the comfort of their own homes.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss the role that telehealth can play in physical therapy and how a hybrid
approach utilizing both telehealth and in-person treatment can be part of a robust plan of care.


What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is a term that refers to the use of technology to provide healthcare services remotely. This can
include videoconferencing, telephone consultations, and remote monitoring. Telehealth has been
growing in popularity over the past few years, and its use has accelerated during the COVID-19
Physical therapy via telehealth is like in-person physical therapy in terms of assessment, diagnosis, and
treatment. However, the main difference is that the physical therapist and the patient are not in the
same physical location. Instead, the physical therapist uses technology to communicate with the patient,
assess their condition, and provide treatment recommendations.


The Role of Telehealth in Physical Therapy

Telehealth can play an important role in physical therapy in several ways. First, it can provide greater
access to physical therapy services for patients who live in remote areas or have difficulty traveling to an
in-person appointment. Telehealth can also provide increased convenience for patients who may have
difficulty scheduling appointments during regular business hours due to work or family commitments.
Telehealth can also be an effective way to provide follow-up care to patients who have already received
in-person physical therapy. For example, a patient who has completed a course of in-person physical
therapy may benefit from telehealth check-ins to ensure that they are continuing to make progress
towards their goals.
Finally, telehealth can be an effective way to provide physical therapy services during a pandemic or
other public health crisis when in-person appointments may not be possible. During the COVID-19
pandemic, many physical therapy clinics turned to telehealth to continue providing care to patients while
minimizing the risk of transmission.


Benefits of Telehealth in Physical Therapy

The use of telehealth in physical therapy offers several benefits for both patients and physical therapists.
Some of these benefits include:


Increased Access to Care

Telehealth can provide patients with greater access to physical therapy services. Patients who live in
remote areas or have difficulty traveling to an in-person appointment can receive care from a physical
therapist via telehealth.


Greater Convenience

Telehealth can provide increased convenience for patients who may have difficulty scheduling
appointments during regular business hours due to work or family commitments. Patients can schedule
telehealth appointments at a time that is convenient for them


Cost Savings

Telehealth can be a more cost-effective option for patients who may not have insurance or who have
high out-of-pocket costs for in-person physical therapy.


Reduced Risk of Transmission

Telehealth can help reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, by allowing
patients to receive care from their homes.


Improved Patient Outcomes

Studies have shown that telehealth can be just as effective as in-person physical therapy for improving
patient outcomes. In some cases, telehealth may even be more effective due to the increased
convenience and ease of access.


Hybrid Approach to Physical Therapy

While telehealth can be an effective way to provide physical therapy services, it is not a replacement for
in-person physical therapy. In-person physical therapy provides physical therapists with the opportunity
to assess a patient’s condition in greater detail and provide hands-on treatment.
A hybrid approach to physical therapy that combines both telehealth and in-person treatment can be
part of a robust plan of care that maximizes the benefits of both approaches. This approach can also
provide greater flexibility for patients who may need to balance work, family, and other commitments.
A hybrid approach to physical therapy may involve an initial in-person evaluation, followed by a
combination of telehealth and in-person appointments. Telehealth appointments can be used for followup care and to monitor progress, while in-person appointments can be used for hands-on treatment and more detailed assessments.
In some cases, a hybrid approach to physical therapy may involve alternating between telehealth and inperson appointments based on the patient’s needs and progress. For example, a patient who is making
steady progress with telehealth appointments may transition to in-person appointments for more handson treatment.


Considerations for Telehealth Physical Therapy

If you’re considering telehealth physical therapy, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure
that you have access to the technology required for telehealth appointments, such as a reliable internet
connection and a computer or smartphone with a camera and microphone.
You should also ensure that you have a private space for your telehealth appointments where you can
speak freely with your physical therapist without interruptions or distractions. It’s important to treat
your telehealth appointments with the same level of seriousness as in-person appointments to ensure
that you get the most out of your treatment.
It’s also important to choose a physical therapist who has experience with telehealth and who can
provide the same level of care remotely as they would in person. Be sure to ask your physical therapist
about their experience with telehealth and what you can expect from your telehealth appointments.



Telehealth can play an important role in physical therapy, providing greater access to care, increased
convenience, and cost savings for patients. A hybrid approach to physical therapy that combines both
telehealth and in-person treatment can be part of a robust plan of care that maximizes the benefits of
both approaches.
If you’re considering telehealth physical therapy, be sure to choose an organization who has experience
with telehealth and who can provide the same level of care remotely as they would in person. With the
right physical therapist and the right approach, telehealth can be an effective way to receive high-quality
physical therapy services from the comfort of your own home.